Statistical modelling/Milk offtake

The fitted regression lines for the two locations can now be calculated as:

for Assa:  yi = 0.983 (±0.161) - 0.0073(±0.025) xi
for Bilisa: yi = 2.394 (±0.137) - 0.0963(±0.022) xi

with parameter estimates for Bilisa calculated as 2.394 = 0.983 + 1.411
                                                        and - 0.0963 = 0.0073 - 0.1036 (see values in table below)

and corresponding standard errors calculated by rerunning GenStat with LOCATION codes changed back to their original order.


Note that parameter estimate given for the level of a factor is the difference in value from that of the reference level. Here LOCATION 2 (namely Assa) is being used as the reference level for the LOCATION factor.